封面说明:广西南宁早泥盆世洛赫考夫期莲花山组和那高岭组早期脊椎动物化石组合的生态复原图。其中包含了此次报道的四种肉鳍鱼类,分别是产自莲花山组的斑鳞鱼(Psarolepis)和产自那高岭组的奇异鱼(Diabolepis)、蝶柱鱼(Styloichthys)和杨氏鱼(Youngolepis)。新发现的斑鳞鱼颊板骨代表了目前已知最晚的斑鳞鱼类化石记录;奇异鱼和蝶柱鱼标本是这两个属除云南地区外的首次报道;相对较大的杨氏鱼后顶甲则指示其相对较大的体型。广西南宁地区的早期脊椎动物化石组合与徐家冲组合十分相似,基于最新的牙形石证据或可将徐家冲组合的出现时间提前至洛赫考夫期。此外,广西南宁地区的化石材料有明显的大型化趋势,可能与当时鱼类生活环境中的高氧含量有关。详见本期李懋坤等人文。(绘图:Brian Choo)
Cover image: Ecological reconstruction of a fossil fish community from the Lianhuashan and Nahkaoling formations in Nanning, Guangxi during the Lochkovian, Early Devonian, highlighting four genera of sarcopterygians here—Psarolepis from the Lianhuashan Formation and Diabolepis, Styloichthys and Youngolepis from the Nahkaoling Formation. These materials represent the latest occurrence of Psarolepis to date, and mark the first report of Diabolepis and Styloichthys outside Qujing, Yunnan. Additionally, Youngolepis individuals from the Nahkaoling Formation are relatively larger in size. This fossil assemblage displays significant similarities to the Xujiachong Assemblage. Based on the latest conodont evidence, the range of the Xujiachong Assemblage could extend from the latest Lochkovian to the end of Pragian. In addition, the large size of fossil fish individuals from Guangxi may reflect an increase in the oxygen content of the ocean. See details in the paper of Li et al. (Illustrated by Brian Choo).