


  • 封面说明:广河皇冠鹿新种(Stephanocemas guangheensis sp. nov.)复原图。广河皇冠鹿是皇冠鹿属中一个体型相当小的种,发现于甘肃临夏盆地中中新世早期东乡组地层中。其鹿角显著掌状化,在成年个体中具有6个角枝。广河皇冠鹿鹿角的组合特征区别于皇冠鹿的其他已知种,如中等大小的掌状部和向上伸展的侧枝;掌状部腹面具短的角柄,其横截面为外缘平直的半圆形;未封闭的脱落疤痕浅凹并布满海绵状孔隙。详见邓涛等人文(绘图:陈瑜) 

    Cover image
    the reconstruction of Stephanocemas guangheensis sp. nov. S. guangheensis sp. nov. is a small-sized crown-antlered deer, and its fossils are collected from the early Middle Miocene Dongxiang Formation of the Linxia Basin in Gansu Province, northwestern China. Its antler is broadly palmate, with six tines in the adult. S. guangheensis combines characters different from other species of the genus Stephanocemas, such as a moderately large palm, and superiorly orientated lateral tines. Its palmar base is a short semicircular column with a straight lateral margin and a shedding scar. This unclosed shedding scar is a shallow depression with dense spongy pores. See details in the paper of Deng et al. (Illustrated by Chen Yu)

  • 发布日期: 2021-10-26  浏览: 1263