

  • 封面说明:戴氏祖熊(Ursavus tedfordi)的头骨及其复原。这是祖熊属迄今所发现的最完整的头骨化石。图的左上方为戴氏祖熊头骨(连同其下颌)左侧面视,照片系高伟先生制作;图的右下方为其头部黑白素描复原图,系史勤勤博士在该文作者指导下绘制。注意其和现生熊类的区别:短而高的吻部,鼻额部顶缘平滑过渡,枕顶部向后下方弯曲,以及发育的咬合肌肉。背景为该化石产出地点附近(甘肃临夏盆地广通河北岸杨家山)地层剖面景观,系本文作者之一(邓涛)所摄。化石产出层位约相当于该剖面的上部。详见邱占祥等人文。(制图:史勤勤)

    Cover image: The skull and the head reconstruction of Ursavus tedfordi. The skull is the most complete one of the genus so far known. On top-left is the left view of the skull in association with its mandible (picture taken by Mr. Gao Wei). On bottom-right is the sketch of the reconstructed head, drawn by Dr. Shi Qinqin under the guidance of the authors of the paper. Note the differences of the head from those of the living bears: short and high muzzle, smooth naso-frontal profile with its posterior end slanting postero-inferiorly, and the strong development of the occlusal muscles. The background is the Yangjiashan section on the north bank of the Guangtong River of the Linxia Basin in Gansu, China, taken by one of the authors of the paper (Deng Tao). The stratigraphic level of the beds yielding the Ursavus skull is roughly correlated to the upper part of the section. See details in the paper of Qiu et al. (Illustrated by Shi Qinqin)

  • 发布日期: 2021-10-26  浏览: 1297