

  • 封面说明:发现于云南罗平三叠系安尼阶关岭组II段的海生爬行动物新属种——纤细滇美龙(Dianmeisaurus gracilis gen. et sp. nov.)生态复原图。它属于海生爬行动物始鳍龙类,为一体态纤长的的小型物种(体长小于50cm)。新种与同产于该地区的始鳍龙类利齿滇东龙(Diandongosaurus acutidentatus Shang et al., 2011)和丁氏滇肿龙(Dianopachysaurus dingi Liu et al., 2011)个体大小接近,头骨均具有吻部两侧不收缩、眼眶显著大于上颞孔的特征,同时拥有可弯曲的长颈和桨状的桡足。但新种眼眶间距非常狭窄,下颌关节与枕髁位于同一水平位置,锁骨前外侧缘的锁骨前突粗大且厚实,尺骨近端宽于远端,具有比后两种更多的41枚荐前椎。详见尚庆华等人文(绘图:郭肖聪)

    Cover image: Ecological reconstruction of a new marine reptile taxon Dianmeisaurus gracilis gen. et sp. nov. which was found from the Member II of Guanling Formation (Anisian, Triassic) of Luoping County, Yunnan Province. It is a small-sized (with a total length of less than 50 cm) eosauropterygian with a slender body. This new species is similar superficially to two other eosauropterygians, Diandongosaurus Shang et al., 2011 and Dianopachysaurus Liu et al., 2011, which were also found from the same stratum of Luoping, in the small body size, the skull with no contracted snout, an oval orbit extremely larger than supratemporal fenestra, the long and flexional neck, and paddle-like limbs. However, the new species is characterized by an extremely narrowed interorbital septum, the mandibular articulation at the level of occipital condyle, the big and stout anterolateral process of the clavicle, the proximal part of the ulna wider than the distal end, and the presence of 41 presacral vertebrae. See details in the paper of Shang and Li. (Illustrated by Guo Xiaocong)

  • 发布日期: 2021-10-26  浏览: 1164