

  • 封面说明: 2.4 亿年前的特提斯洋东部,在一片安详温暖的浅海中,一个新生命“诞生”了。它被包裹在一层透明的薄膜中,静静地来到这个世界。在此之前,它已经在母亲的体内生长发育了很久,现在头、尾、四肢具备,即将成为“罗平动物群”的一员。遗憾的是,它永远也不能突破那层薄膜的束缚了,它的母亲是谁也无从知晓。诞生即是死亡,死亡却又是永恒,大自然戏剧性的法则让它见证了沧海桑田的地质巨变,也让我们知道了一种全新的海洋原龙类。详见本期李淳等人文 (p. 210)。 ( 绘图:陈瑜 )

    Cover image: 240 million years ago, the eastern Tethys. In a warm and peace bay, a new life was born. It had been developed within its mother for long and now coming into the world constrained by an uncalcifed egg membrane. It was going to be a member of the Luoping Fauna at once. Unfortunately it could not break away the membrane. To be born is the death, and the death is forever. This is the rule of the nature, which makes it witness the changing of the earth and makes us know there used to be the existence of a new marine protorosaur. See details in the paper of Li Chun et al. (p. 210) (Illustrated by Chen Yu)

  • 发布日期: 2021-10-26  浏览: 1207