

  • 封面说明:伍氏献文鱼(Hsianwenia wui) 在干旱荒漠里高钙的盐湖底刮食硅藻。柴达木盆地鸭湖上新世的伍氏献文鱼响应当时盆地里持续干旱的环境变化,在富含钙盐的水体里演化出了粗壮的骨骼。通过详尽的形态学研究发现,献文鱼骨骼的生长呈现明显的差异化:肌肉里的骨骼(如椎体、肋骨、肌间骨等) 明显增粗,而外骨骼( 膜质骨,如颅顶的骨片、鳃盖、鳍条等) 却没有变粗或增厚的迹象。本项调查为后续的献文鱼骨组织学和系统学研究提供了重要资料。详见本期毕黛冉等人文(p. 1)。( 绘图:郭肖聪)


    Cover image: In a salt lake in Qaidam Basin, Hsianwenia wui (Cyprinidae: Schizothoracinae) was grazing tough diatoms attached on the bottom. Hsianwenia wui from the Pliocene of Qaidam Basin evolved extraordinarily thickened bones in waters with oversaturated calcium during the aridification therein. Recently,a comprehensive morphological study on Hsianwenia recognized a differentiated pachyostosis pattern: only the bones embedded in muscles (e.g., ribs, vertebrae and intermuscular bones) were extraordinarily thickened, whereas those exoskeletal bones, e.g., the dermal cranial bones, opercular bones and fin rays were not thickened. This investigation has provided important data for the histological and phylogenetic studies of Hsianwenia. See details in the paper of Bi et al. (p. 1). (Illustrated by Guo Xiao-Cong)

  • 发布日期: 2022-02-22  浏览: 1558