


  • 封面说Vayu软件渲染处理的多鳍鱼三维表面模型。Vayu是一款专门用于处理三维表面模型的免费可视化软件,可以广泛应用于古生物学、生命科学、医学、考古学等多学科领域三维表面模型的可视化乃至虚拟空间交互等学科方向。Vayu 1.0软件提供了一整套针对三维表面模型的编辑、渲染、标注、分析等可视化工具,同时自带VR模式以及快捷的动画制作方法,为三维表面模型的可视化提供了新工具和研究新思路详情请见本期卢静文。(绘图:卢静)

    Cover image: The 3D revisulization images of surface meshes of a bichir Erpetoichthys by Vayu. Vayu is a 3D revisulization freeware which possesses a set of tools for rendering, labelling, revisualizing, and reanalyzing meshes. It also offers features for VR mode and one-stop animation production. Vayu provides a fresh set of tools to accelerate future development directions in paleontology, biological sciences and beyond. See details in the paper of Lu. (Illustrated by Lu Jing)

  • 发布日期: 2023-01-16  浏览: 1033