


    封面说明:辛窑子沟早更新世马科动物及生态环境复原图。山西省天镇县南高崖乡的辛窑子沟一带在早更新世曾是一片开阔的草原草甸环境,马科动物多样性显著,至少有6个种,其中古马型马有4种,三趾马有两种。辛窑子沟位于泥河湾盆地的西北侧,与产出经典(狭义)泥河湾动物群的下沙沟相邻,与后者在动物群组成上有3个相同的马科种。而辛窑子沟发现的黄河马在泥河湾盆地的扬水站地点也发现过。这些发现表明辛窑子沟马科动物的组成及其生存时代与泥河湾盆地的相近。这为探讨和认识泥河湾盆地及周边地区的早更新世哺乳动物群及古环境的演替提供了新的数据和实证资料。详见本期董为等人文。(绘图: 许勇)


    Cover image: The paleo-ecological reconstruction of the Early Pleistocene equids along Xinyaozi Ravine, Nangaoya Village of Tianzhen County, Shanxi Province. It was mainly an open savanna and meadow environment, inhabited by diverse equids of at least 6 species, including 4 stenonids and two hipparions. The ravine is located northwest of the Nihewan Basin and close to Xiashagou locality yielding world-renowned classical Nihewan fauna, with three same equid species from both localities. A fourth equid from Xinyaozi Ravine was also found from Yangshuizhan locality in the Nihewan Basin. This indicates the composition and geological age of the equids from Xinyaozi Ravine were similar to those of the classical Nihewan fauna. It provides new data and solid evidences for investigating and understanding the evolution and paleo-environments of the Early Pleistocene mammalian fauna in the Nihewan Basin and surrounding areas. See details in the paper of Dong et al. (Illustrated by Xu Yong).



  • 发布日期: 2023-07-20  浏览: 892