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The first discovery of non-avian dinosaur egg clutch (Macroolithus yaotunensis, Elongatoolithidae) from the Upper Cretaceous Qiupa Formation of Tantou Basin

ZHU Xu-Feng1   CHANG Fei   LI Yu2    ZHANG Xu-Huang3    GAO Dian-Song2   WANG Qiang4   QIU Rui1   WANG Xiao-Lin4,5   LIU Di2   JIA Song-Hai2  JIA Guang-Hui2   ZHANG Jian-Hua2   XU Li2*   

  1. (1 Natural History Museum of China  Beijing 100050)
    (2 Henan Natural History Museum  Zhengzhou 450016 *Corresponding author: xuli.312@163.com)
    (3 Mineral Resources Exploration Center of Henan Geological Bureau  Zhengzhou 450011) 
    (4 Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human Origins of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences  Beijing 100044)
    (5 College of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences  Beijing 100049)

潭头盆地上白垩统秋扒组首次发现非鸟恐龙蛋窝 (瑶屯巨形蛋,长形蛋科)

朱旭峰  常 飞  李 雨2   张旭晃  高殿松2  王 强4  裘 锐1  汪筱林4,5   刘 迪2   贾松海2   贾广辉2   张建华2   徐 莉2   

  1. (1 国家自然博物馆  北京 100050)
    (2 河南自然博物馆  郑州 450016)
    (3 河南省地质局矿产资源勘查中心  郑州 450011)
    (4 中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所,中国科学院脊椎动物演化与人类起源重点实验室  北京 100044)
    (5 中国科学院大学地球与行星科学学院  北京 100049)


The Upper Cretaceous of Tantou Basin in western Henan has yielded many vertebrate fossils, which are featured by several non-avian dinosaurs. Meanwhile, studies on their eggs were yet inadequate though many eggshells have been reported. The newly discovered material 41HⅤ0199 was excavated from the Upper Cretaceous Qiupa Formation in 2021. The block preserves eight complete eggs arranged in two partial rings that form a partial clutch, and there are some scattered eggshells preserved closely with the block, showing a concave-up to concave-down ratio of 54.5:45.5, which indicates that the scattered eggshells come from the clutch and the clutch had been partially broken before it was buried. Based on morphological and microstructural characteristics, the eggs and eggshells can be assigned to Macroolithus yaotunensis (Elongatoolithidae), an oospecies known to be related to oviraptorids, which leads Yulong mini to be its probable producer. Besides, some eggshells show microstructural signs indicating egg retention, which marks the second example of egg retention in the oofamily Elongatoolithidae.

Key words: Tantou Basin, Upper Cretaceous, Qiupa Formation, Dinosaur egg, , Macroolithus


豫西潭头盆地上白垩统中已发现了多种脊椎动物化石,以数种非鸟恐龙类的发现为特点。盆地内也同时报道有大量的蛋壳,然而关于这些蛋壳的研究却还不足。新材料41HⅤ0199为2021年发掘自潭头盆地上白垩统秋扒组。岩石中保存了8枚完整蛋体,组成一不到一半的部分蛋窝,此外还保存有若干分散于围岩中的破碎蛋壳,其凹面向上与凹面向下者的比例为54.5:45.5,指示这些蛋壳可能直接来源于该蛋窝,且蛋窝在埋藏前发生了部分破碎。基于宏观形态与显微结构的特征,这些蛋和蛋壳可被归入长形蛋科的瑶屯巨形蛋(Macroolithus yaotunensis)。该蛋种已知与窃蛋龙类直接相关,而盆地内发现的迷你豫龙(Yulong mini) 可能是该蛋窝的产蛋者。此外,在个别蛋壳中还发现了指示蛋体滞留的显微结构,这是此类病态结构在长形蛋科中的第二例发现。

关键词: 潭头盆地, 上白垩统, 秋扒组, 恐龙蛋, 巨形蛋属