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Vertebrata Palasiatica ›› 2024, Vol. 62 ›› Issue (3): 165-185.DOI: 10.19615/j.cnki.2096-9899.240528

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Teffichthys wui sp. nov., a new perleidid fish from the Early Triassic of Jiangsu and Anhui, China

XU Guang-Hui1(), YUAN Zhi-Wei2, REN Yi1,3, LIAO Jun-Ling4, ZHAO Li-Jun5, SONG Hai-Jun2   

  1. 1 Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human Origins of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100044
    2 State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology, School of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences Wuhan 430074
    3 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049
    4 College of Economics and Trade, Minzu Normal University of Xingyi Xingyi, Guizhou 562400
    5 Zhejiang Museum of Natural History Hangzhou 310014
  • Received:2024-01-28 Online:2024-07-20 Published:2024-08-13


徐光辉1(), 袁志伟2, 任艺1,3, 廖浚伶4, 赵丽君5, 宋海军2   

  1. 1 中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所,中国科学院脊椎动物演化与人类起源重点实验室 北京 100044
    2 中国地质大学地球科学学院,生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室 武汉 430074
    3 中国科学院大学 北京 100049
    4 兴义民族师范学院经济贸易学院 贵州兴义 562400
    5 浙江自然博物院 杭州 310014
  • 作者简介:xuguanghui@ivpp.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:


Perleididae is a group of stem neopterygian fishes known only from the Triassic. Here, we report the discovery of a new perleidid, Teffichthys wui sp. nov., based on six well-preserved specimens from the late Smithian (Olenekian, Early Triassic) marine deposits of Jurong, Jiangsu and Chaohu, Anhui, China. This new discovery documents the third and youngest species of Teffichthys , which is slightly younger than the Dienerian (Induan) T. elegans from Guizhou and the early Smithian T. madagascariensis from Madagascar. The new species shows diagnostic features of Teffichthys (presence of a spiracular, 38-41 lateral line scales, and no more than three epaxial rays in the caudal fin) but differs from T. madagascariensis and T. elegans in some autapomorphies (e.g., a horizontal opercle/subopercle contact and smooth scales with a nearly straight posterior margin). The diagnostic features for the genus Teffichthys and the family Perleididae are emended based on detailed comparisons of the new taxon with other perleidids. The phylogenetic relationships of perleidids with other stem neopterygians are discussed using a cladistic approach, and the results provide new insights into the phylogeny and classification of main stem neopterygian clades.

Key words: Jiangsu, Anhui, Early Triassic, Perleidiformes, osteology, phylogeny


裂齿鱼科是新鳍鱼类干群的一支,只生活于三叠纪。根据江苏句容和安徽巢湖早三叠世奥伦尼克期晚史密斯亚期海相地层中发现的6块保存较好的化石,命名了裂齿鱼科一新种,吴氏三叠鱼( Teffichthys wui sp. nov.)。它代表了三叠鱼属的第三个种,时代上略晚于非洲马达加斯加早史密斯亚期的马达加斯加三叠鱼和贵州印度期晚第纳尔亚期的优雅三叠鱼,是该属迄今已知最年轻的种。新种具有三叠鱼属的共近裔特征(一块喷水骨,38-41列侧线鳞,尾鳍轴上鳍条不超过3条), 但同时它以一些自近裔特征与马达加斯加三叠鱼和优雅三叠鱼相区别,如主鳃盖骨和下鳃盖骨水平接触,鳞片光滑并且后缘无锯齿。根据新种与其他裂齿鱼科鱼类的详细比较,修订了三叠鱼属及裂齿鱼科的鉴定特征。在分支系统学研究的基础上,讨论了裂齿鱼科与其他新鳍鱼类干群的系统发育关系。研究结果为了解新鳍鱼类干群的系统发育和分类提供了新的信息。

关键词: 江苏, 安徽, 早三叠世, 裂齿鱼目, 骨骼学, 系统发育

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