Vertebrata Palasiatica ›› 2007, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (1): 74-88.
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JIN Chang- Zhu, SUN Cheng- Kai, ZHANG Y ing- Qi
Abstract: Lunanosorex is one of in portant insectivoe m m bers of Neogene m icrm ammal fauna in North China Itw as established by Jin and Kawamua in 1996 based on only one m andible fim he Late P liocene fissure deposit in Q ipanshan Hill Yinan County Shandong Povince Thereaf ter itwas reported in Bilke and Gao tege NeiM ongol(Q iu and Storch 2000 Lietal 2003).In 2004 more Lunanosorex specim ensw ere excava ted by a team of the ⅣPP frm Queshan County, Henan Prov ince On the basis of the evolutionay. stage of micm amm als the, fossil bearing deposits of the Queshan County is possibly the La te P liocene in age W ith a detaied sudy of he aforem en tioned specim ens he evision of the genus and species and the relationship among sme of the large sized shews ane discussed in the present paper
摘要: 记述了河南确山后胥山晚上新世裂隙堆积物中新发现的鲁南鼩鼱Lunanosorex材料;重新观察了内蒙古比例克的李氏鲁南鼩鼱相似种Lunanosorex cf L. lii标本。确山鲁南鼩鼱的形态特征与属型种L.lii较为一致,其较丰富的材料为了解该种的形态变异及特征补充提供了新的依据。内蒙古比例克的鲁南鼩鼱与属型种有较大的差异,被确定为新种L. qiui sp. nov.。根据比例克新种和确山新材料的研究,修订了如Lunanosorex的属征和Beremendiini族征的定义,探讨了鲁南鼩鼱与东亚地区发现的其他牙齿染色的大型鼩鼱类之间的系统关系,阐证了日本中更新世的Shikamainosorex与北美上新世的Paracryptotis关系不大,不应归人Blarrinini族,而与亚洲大陆的鲁南鼩鼱有较近的亲缘关系,应当属于Beremendiini族。
JIN Chang- Zhu, SUN Cheng- Kai, ZHANG Y ing- Qi. LUNANOSOREX(INSECTIVORA, MAMMALIA)FROM THE PLIOCENE OF NORTH CHINA. Vertebrata Palasiatica, 2007, 45(1): 74-88.
金昌柱,孙承凯,张颖奇. 2007, 45(1): 74-88, 华北上新世大型鼩鼱化石Lunanosorex(哺乳动物纲,食虫目). 古脊椎动物学报.
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