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Vertebrata Palasiatica ›› 2024, Vol. 62 ›› Issue (3): 201-224.DOI: 10.19615/j.cnki.2096-9899.240726

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A new small baurioid therocephalian from the Lower Triassic Jiucaiyuan Formation, Xinjiang, China

LIU Jun1,2(), Fernando ABDALA3,4   

  1. 1 Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100044, China
    2 College of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049
    3 área de Paleontología, Unidad Ejecutora Lillo, CONICET, Fundación Miguel Lillo Miguel Lillo 251, Tucumán, Argentina
    4 Evolutionary Studies Institute, University of the Witwatersrand Private Bag 3, WITS, Johannesburg, 2050, South Africa
  • Received:2024-04-04 Online:2024-07-20 Published:2024-08-13



  1. 1 中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所 北京 100044
    2 中国科学院大学地球与行星科学学院 北京 100049
    3 阿根廷米格尔利洛基金会古生物部 土库曼
    4 南非金山大学进化研究所 约翰内斯堡 WITS2050
  • 作者简介:liujun@ivpp.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:


Several therocephalian species, mainly represented by cranial material from the late Permian, have been reported from China in recent years. Here we describe a tiny new baurioid therocephalian, Jiucaiyuangnathus confusus gen. et sp. nov., from the Jiucaiyuan Formation, Xinjiang, China. The new taxon is represented by a partial snout with occluded partial lower jaw and two postcranial skeletons. Although juvenile in stage, the new species is diagnosed by the following features: round pit in middle of lateral surface of maxilla; lacrimal contact nasal; fossa for dentary tooth on the posterior end of the premaxilla, lateral to the anterior choana; two small vertical triangular ridges extending dorsally and ventrally on the vomerine anterior portion, and bordering a thin vomerine foramen laterally; anterior projection of the lateral part of the frontal on the nasal; symphyseal region of the dentary projected anteriorly; 5 upper premaxillary teeth, upper and lower canines absent, diastema between the last premaxillary upper incisor and first maxillary tooth present, no diastema separating anterior from posterior dentition in the mandible, 10 maxillary teeth and 12 dentary teeth, posterior postcanine expands mesiodistally, having a main large cusps and tiny anterior and posterior accessory cusps in line; neural arches of the atlas fused by the neural spine, neural spine of the axis projected posteriorly, procoracoid foramen lies between procoracoid and scapula. Features of the dentition resembles those of the small baurioid Ericiolacerta parva from South Africa and Silphedosuchus orenburgensis from Russia. The specimens provide the rare opportunity to know in detail the postcranial skeleton of baurioids.

Key words: Jimsar, Xinjiang, Early Triassic, Jiucaiyuan Formation, Therocephalia, Baurioidea


主要基于晚二叠世的头部材料,中国近年来报道了多个兽头类物种。记述了新疆韭菜园组的小型包氏兽超科(Baurioidea)新材料,包括一个头骨吻端及咬合的下颌以及两个头后骨架,并命名为迷惑韭菜园颌兽( Jiucaiyuangnathus confusus )。虽然标本为幼年个体,新种有以下鉴定特征:上颌骨侧面中部有小圆坑;泪骨与鼻骨接触;前颌骨后端在内鼻孔外侧有容纳下颌齿的窝;犁骨前部侧缘有小型三角形脊向背腹两侧延伸,组成细长的犁骨孔的侧缘;额骨有尖角延伸到鼻骨后侧部;齿骨的联合部收窄并指向前方;5枚前颌骨齿,上下犬齿缺失,前颌骨齿与上颌骨齿间有齿缺,下颌前部无齿缺,10枚上颌骨齿,12枚齿骨齿,后部齿加长,有大的主尖及小的前后副尖;寰椎神经弓与神经棘愈合,枢椎神经棘倒向后方,前乌喙骨孔位于前乌喙骨与肩胛骨间。齿系与小型包氏兽超科成员南非的 Ericiolacerta parva 及俄罗斯的 Silphedosuchus orenburgensis 类似。新的头后骨骼材料提供了难得的研究包氏兽超科成员头后骨骼的机会。

关键词: 新疆吉木萨尔, 早三叠世, 韭菜园组, 兽头类,包氏兽超科

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