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Vertebrata Palasiatica ›› 1995, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (01): 47-60.

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Wu Wenyu   

  • Online:1995-03-15 Published:1995-03-15



Abstract: A new species of Alloptox is described in this paper. All the material was ga thered from three localities (Songlinzhuang, Zhengji and Shuanggou) of Sihong County, Jiangsu Province. For detailed information on geological and stratigraphical background and others the reader is referred to Li et al. (1983) and Qiu and Lin (1986). Almost all here described 113 specimens (Songlinzhuang 68, Shuanggou 27, Zhengji 18) are isolated teeth with exception of three fragments of upper and lower jaws with few teeth. All specimens of these three localities are treated as members of one and the same population. However the measurements and figures of specimens from each locality are separately represented. The figures are represented as left ones, the abbreviated word "inv. is used under the figures of right teeth. All specimens are stored in IVPP under the inventory numbers V 8840—8842. The present paper is one of the series studies of Xiacaowan Fauna of Miocene from Sihong. In all previous papers the fauna was assigned to Middle Miocene. Qiu et al. (1990) adapted the boundry between early and middle Miocene to'; the European one. Therefore Xiacaowan fauna was reassigned to Early Miocene. I am very grateful to Prof. Wang Banyue for showing me the specimens of Sinolagomys cf. ulungurensis for comparison. Thanks are due to my colleagues: Profs. Wang Banyue, Tong Yongsheng, Qiu Zhuding and Zheng Shaohua who critically read the manuscript.

摘要: 江苏泗洪松林庄、双沟和郑集早中新世(山旺期,约与欧洲新第三纪陆相哺乳动物分带MN4相当)的新种洒洪跳兔Alloptox sihongensis sp. nov.是迄今为止该属中出现最早、个体最小的种。该种已有较明显的形态分化。主要表现在p3上。p3在形态和大小上可分为两类。第一类个体较大,珐琅质厚度分化较明显,个别p3的下后尖前端已呈圆钝的角状,具有两个前外沟。第二类个体较小,珐琅质厚度分化较差,下后尖前端浑圆,仅具一个前外沟。由于对Alloptox的系统进化尚无足够的了解,现将其作为同一个种处理。根据上