Vertebrata Palasiatica ›› 2004, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (02): 171-176.
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LI YongXiang, XUE XiangXu, LIU HuJun
李永项, 薛祥煦, 刘护军
Abstract: The present paper reports three lizard fossils from the Middle Pleistocene (493 ±55 ka B. P. ) Qinling caves in Luonan County , Shaanxi , China. Two lacertids reported here , Eumeces sp. (Fig.1 , 3~6) and Eremias sp. (Fig. 1 , 7~8) document the geologically first record of the fossil genus from China , and suggested that they are ancestors of modern genus and species in this area. The specimen of Conicodontosaurus is documented a new species : Conicodontosaurus qinlingensis sp. nov. (Fig. 1 , 1~2) .
摘要: 本文所记述的秦岭第四纪蜥蜴类化石 ,是西北大学地质系新生代地质与环境研究所在 1999 年对陕西洛南县张坪洞穴群进行考察时所采集的部分爬行类标本 ,包括 Conicodontosaurus qinlingensis sp. nov. 、Eumeces sp. 和 Eremias sp. 。这些材料均来自于洛河北岸 的石灰岩洞穴堆积。该洞穴群的时代 ,经研究 (薛祥煦等 ,2004) 2) 认为属中更新世以来的不同时段。本文所研究的标本均来自该洞穴群中位置最高的洞穴 ,年代约为 493 ±55 ka B.
LI YongXiang, XUE XiangXu, LIU HuJun. FOSSIL LIZARDS OF QINLING MOUNTAINS. Vertebrata Palasiatica, 2004, 43(02): 171-176.
李永项, 薛祥煦, 刘护军. 2004, 43(02): 171-176, 秦岭第四纪的蜥蜴类化石. 古脊椎动物学报.
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