Vertebrata Palasiatica ›› 2005, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (01): 36-48.
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Dong Wei, Fang Yingsan
董为, 房迎三
Abstract: After the discovery of Homo erectus and associated mammalian fauna from the Huludong Cave at Tangshan , Nanjing , Jiangsu Province (Mu et al. , 1993 ; Huang , 1996 ; Dong , 1999) , a new mammalian fauna was discovered in 2000 from the cave deposits at Tuozidong (32°03′N , 119°01′E) of 800 meters west of the Huludong. The relationship of these two faunas arose the interests of paleontologists. The recent study of the equids from Tuozidong shows that they are very significant and they are described below.
摘要: 2000 年在南京汤山葫芦洞直立人地点附近的驼子洞堆积中发现了又一处哺乳动物化石点。其中的马科化石有两种: 黄河马Equus huanghoensis 和中国(长鼻) 三趾马Hipparion( Proboscidipparion) sinense。这是自1959 年发现黄河马化石以来首次发现黄河马的颅骨和完整的颊齿列标本。这两种马的同时出现说明含驼子洞动物群的堆积形成于早更新世。因此驼子洞堆积的发现是江宁地区下更新统的首次记录。驼子洞的黄河马和长鼻三趾马均为这两类马在秦岭淮河以南的首次记录,并反映了在早
Dong Wei, Fang Yingsan. FOSSIL EQUIDS ( MAMMALS) FROM THE TUOZIDONG, NANJING ( CHINA) AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE. Vertebrata Palasiatica, 2005, 43(01): 36-48.
董为, 房迎三. 2005, 43(01): 36-48, 南京汤山驼子洞的马科化石及其意义. 古脊椎动物学报.
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