Vertebrata Palasiatica ›› 2005, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (02): 110-121.
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Deng Tao, Zheng Min
邓涛, 郑敏
Abstract: Limb bones (mainly distal elements) of Elasmotherium caucasicum, which belong to the Nihewan collection in Tianjin Natural History Museum , are described and discussed in detail herein. Previously , the material of Elasmotherium was relatively rare, especially its limb bones. The rhinocerotid fossils from the Nihewan fauna include Dicerorhinus yunchuensis , Coelodonta nihowanensis, and Elasmotherium caucasicum , but the first two species are much smaller than the last one in size. The material from Nihewan reveals additional limb bone characters for the genus Elasmotherium. Compared with the known limb bones of E. caucasicum, the specimens from Nihewan are identical with them. On the basis of the limb bones of E. caucasicum from Nihewan , a more complete comparison shows that E. caucasicum and E. sibiricum have many common characters but some differences in morphology. Most characters of the limb bones of E. caucasicum from Nihewan are derived , but some are primitive, which is consistent with its phylogenetic position.
摘要: 板齿犀属( Elasmotherium) 由Fischer (1808) 根据在西伯利亚发现的材料建立,模式种为西伯利亚板齿犀( E. sibiricum)。板齿犀是一种很特别的犀牛,以其巨大的体型和强壮的额角为特征。目前板齿犀有两个有效种,即E.ibiricum 和高加索板齿犀( E. caucasicum) 。板齿犀的地理分布范围包括俄罗斯、阿塞拜疆、乌兹别克斯坦、蒙古和中国,时代为更新世。在中国,德日进等曾报道了在泥河湾发现的板齿犀的一块牙齿碎片和几件肢骨,但未进行详细的描述和深入的讨论(Teilh
Deng Tao, Zheng Min. LIMB BONES OF ELASMOTHERIUM (RHINOCEROTIDAE, PERISSODACTYLA) FROM NIHEWAN (HEBEI, CHINA) . Vertebrata Palasiatica, 2005, 43(02): 110-121.
邓涛, 郑敏. 2005, 43(02): 110-121, 泥河湾发现的板齿犀肢骨化石. 古脊椎动物学报.
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