江西武宁石笋蛋类恐龙蛋蛋窝的发现 |
周明笑, 严允, 邱文江, 方开永, 朱旭峰, 王强, 汪筱林 |
An egg clutch of the Stalicoolithidae discovered in Wuning, Jiangxi, China |
ZHOU Ming-Xiao, YAN Yun, QIU Wen-Jiang, FANG Kai-Yong, ZHU Xu-Feng, WANG Qiang, WANG Xiao-Lin |
Fig. 2 Microstructure of the Coralloidoolithus shizuiwanensis in radial section (S221008-1②) under ordinary light (A) and cross-polarized light (B) White lines show the boundaries between the inner, medial and outer zones A. the boundary between the cone layer and columnar layer (red line) is not clear, accretion lines distribute through the shell, pore canals (black arrows) are irregular and worm-like, and the secondary eggshell units (white arrows) grow in the medial zone and the outer zone; B. the eggshell units show radial extinction through the nucleation centers (red arrows) to the outer surface, and secondary eggshell units (white arrows) show independent radial extinction |