周明笑, 严允, 邱文江, 方开永, 朱旭峰, 王强, 汪筱林

An egg clutch of the Stalicoolithidae discovered in Wuning, Jiangxi, China
ZHOU Ming-Xiao, YAN Yun, QIU Wen-Jiang, FANG Kai-Yong, ZHU Xu-Feng, WANG Qiang, WANG Xiao-Lin
Fig. 3 Microstructure of the Coralloidoolithus shizuiwanensis in radial section
A. the accretion lines are concentric arcs around the nucleation centers (red arrow); B. the inner zone, light-colored stripes intersperse in accretion lines; C-F. the medial zone, accretion lines inside the light-colored stripes are blurred, conical (C, D) and fan-shaped (E, F) secondary eggshell units distributed; G-J. the outer zone, some secondary eggshell units are columnar-shaped and show narrow extinction under cross-polarized light (G, H), while the others are circular in shape and show petal-like extinction under cross-polarized light (I, J).A, C-H. S221008-1②; B, I, J. S221008-1①