周明笑, 严允, 邱文江, 方开永, 朱旭峰, 王强, 汪筱林

An egg clutch of the Stalicoolithidae discovered in Wuning, Jiangxi, China
ZHOU Ming-Xiao, YAN Yun, QIU Wen-Jiang, FANG Kai-Yong, ZHU Xu-Feng, WANG Qiang, WANG Xiao-Lin
Fig. 4 Microstructure of the Coralloidoolithus shizuiwanensis in tangential section
A. section through the cone layer, red arrows point to radial microstructure surrounding the nucleation centers, pores are irregular in shape and vary in size; B. the inner zone, pores turn into more regular, most are nearly round; C. the medial zone, pores are nearly round, sickle-shape or nearly closed (black arrow); D. lower part in the outer zone, more pores are closed or nearly closed (black arrows) A, B. S221008-2①; C. S221008-2②; D. S221008-2③